RadiciGroup Governance
The organisational model chosen by RadiciGroup is a based on direct management control by the Radici family. The Radici family owns the entire Group shares, and it directs the strategic choices in cooperation with the Board of Directors.
Angelo, Maurizio and Paolo Radici, in their capacities as President, Vice President and Member of Board supervise business performance daily and operationally.
The parent company Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A directs and coordinates the activities of all the subsidiaries in the chemical, plastics, synthetic fibres and non-woven fabrics sectors according to guidelines established by the Board of Directors. Some centralised services for subsidiaries are also provided through the corporate functions.The bodies which the holding company uses for administration and control are the Board of Directors, with strategic and administrative functions, and the Board of Statutory Auditors. The latter is composed of three members, appointed for 3 years with administrative control functions. The Board of Directors remains in office for 1 year and consists of 7 members. Its members are majority Shareholders together with managers who bring specific economic and financial, administrative and legal expertise.
The production and commercial activities of the Group are entrusted to the operational organisation that, on the mandate of the Board of Directors, implements the Group business plan. Defined according to the type of production or technological process, the business areas are each coordinated by a manager appointed by the Board of Directors of Radici Partecipazioni. The Business Area Managers sometimes also play the role of managing director of their respective companies, within the limits of ordinary administration.
The Ethics Committee is responsible for disseminating and applying the Code of Ethics in addition to raising awareness of sustainability issues. The Committee is composed of:
- one Member of Board representing the Board of Directors of the Holding Company, who chairs the Committee;
- the Chairman of the Board of Auditors of the Holding Company;
- the heads of the corporate functions Human Resources, Legal-Credit, Marketing and Sustainability.
Organizational chart
Radici Partecipazioni BOD Angelo Radici Maurizio Radici Alessandro Manzoni Luigi Gerolla Stefano Pigozzi Edoardo Lanzavecchia |
Ethics Committee President: Fabio Re Ferrè Members: Igor Scandolara Carlo Sante Paganessi |
Founders Pietro Radici Gianni Radici |
Shareholders Radicifin S.a.p.A. belonging to Angelo Radici Partecipazioni S.r.l. Unip. Maurizio Radici Partecipazioni S.r.l. Unip. |
Board of statutory auditors President: Marco Baschenis Members: Matteo Perazzi Franco Boccalatte |
Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. President: Angelo Radici Vice President: Maurizio Radici |