RadiciGroup releases its 2016 Sustainability Report
Group emissions reduced by 51% during the last 6 years. 51.6% of electricity used by Group plants in 2016 came from renewable sources. Strong emphasis on employee training, with 53,228 hours of courses in 2016. Real commitment to a sustainable supply chain.
Sustainability Report 2016
The RadiciGroup 2016 Sustainability Report has been officially released. The document – available in Italian and English – reports on the objectives and goals achieved by the Group in the field of economic, environmental and social sustainability, sets new challenges for the organization and communicates its performance to all stakeholders in a transparent way.
The 2016 edition is the Group’s 13th annual Sustainability Report, which, as in the prior year, has been drawn up according to the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative – version 4 (GRI G4 Core). For the 6th year in a row, the Report has received external assurance by Certiquality, an accredited certification body.
In all, 21 RadiciGroup production companies, in addition to the parent company, supplied information and data for the 25 quantitative and qualitative performance indicators covered in the Sustainability Report. Over 70 people were involved in the preparation of the document.
“I am really proud of our Sustainability Report,” said Angelo Radici, president of RadiciGroup. “It represents a kind of Group ‘identity card’ with an annual renewal date, which we see not only as certification of our history as a company committed to social responsibility – a trait that has defined us since our very beginning –, but also as motivation for new initiatives that will, year after year, reinforce our commitment to the social and economic development of the communities we are honoured to be a part of, operating at all times with due respect for the environment.”
In the same 6-year period, the Group also reduced its total consumption of energy from fossil sources per unit of product processed by 17.5% (from 7.6 GJ/t in 2011 to 6.3 GJ/t in 2016). Finally, thanks to an improved energy mix and a corporate strategy more heavily geared towards the use of Best Available Techniques, the emissions by Group companies during the last 6 years dropped from 1.00 tCO2eq/t (2011) down to 0.49 tCO2eq/t (2016), a 51% reduction.
Additionally, air emissions have consistently improved, with a 68% drop in pollutants, mostly due to the implementation of the latest generation abatement technologies, which have greatly contributed to the Group’s improvement in overall environmental performance.