Logit s.r.o.
Logit s.r.o.
Česká republika – Podbořany
Logit, s.r.o. je společností patřící do italského koncernu RadiciGroup, konkrétně divize Fibres (umělá vlákna).
Na Podbořansku působí již do roku 1999 a zabývá se zpracováním (skaním a následnou teplenou fixací) PA vláken sloužících následně pro výrobu koberců. Patří mezi největší zaměstnavatele v regionu.
Základním mottem společnosti je trvale udržitelný rozvoj postavený na myšlence zodpovědného chování všech subjektů zúčastněných v procesu ekonomického chodu firmy.
Společnost je držitelem certifikátů v oblasti kvality ISO 9001, systému environmentálního managementu 14001, systému hospodaření s energiemi 50001 a systému bezpečnosti práce OHSAS 18001.
Logit productive site
Hlubany 119, 441 01 Podbořany, CZ
tel. +420 415 237 911
fax. +420 415 237 912
RadiciGroup je jedna z nejaktivnějších italských chemických společností na mezinárodní úrovni. Její obchodní aktivity mají celosvětovou působnost a jsou zaměřené na chemii, plasty, syntetická vlákna a netkané textilie.
Jedna z klíčových a velmi silných stránek skupiny RadiGroup je integrace celého řetězce výroby a následného zpracování polyamidové příze.
Skupina má pod kontrolou celý proces výroby, počínaje chemickými meziprodukty, po kyselinu adipovou a polyamid 6 a 6.6, až po technické plasty a syntetická vlákna.
Výrobky skupiny RadiciGroup jsou vyváženy do celého světa a nacházejí uplatnění v celé škále různých odvětví - od oblečení, sportovních potřeb, nábytku, až po využití v automobilovém průmyslu, elektrických a elektronických spotřebních zařízeních.
Jsme na Podbořansku doma – Fond Logit
  • Fondu Logit 8/01/20168.9.2017 Logit Sro obnovila systémy certifikace.

    Certifikát 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 50001:2011 a 18001:2007 pro závod koncernu RadiciGroup specializovaný na výrobu BCF příze.

    Společnost Logit Sro, která je součástí koncernu RadiciGroup a která se specializuje na zpracování BCF přízí z polyamidu 6 a 6.6 se značkou Radifloor® určených pro výrobu koberců, dosáhla obnovení certifikátu ISO 9001 a ISO 14001 podle nového vydání norem z roku 2015. Obnovila rovněž certifikát ISO 50001 a udržela si certifikát OHSAS 18001.
  • Download PRESS RELEASE
  • Fondu Logit 8/01/20169.11.2016 Italský velvyslanec v České republice navštívil společnost Logit Sro - Pro skupinu RadiciGroup je velmi důležitý dialog s místními institucemi a komunitami. 

    S. E. Aldo Amati, italský velvyslanec v České republice navštívil výrobní závod společnosti Logit Sro v Podbořanech, aby se osobně seznámil s výrobním programem skupiny Radici a jejím firemním závazkem v souvislosti s ochranou životního prostředí, bezpečnosti a kvality jejích výrobků.

    Velvyslance, jehož doprovázela delegace tvořená zástupci Italsko-české obchodní a průmyslové komory, přivítali společně COO společnosti RadiciGroup Maurizio Radici, ředitel Business Area Performance Yarn Nicola Agnoli a ředitel českého výrobního závodu Martin Chlup, kteří zdůraznili, že tato iniciativa představuje konkrétní aktivitu v rámci činnosti stakeholder engagement propagované společností RadiciGroup.
  • Download PRESS RELEASE
Fondu Logit 8/01/2016
  • 8.1.2016 [Hlubany] Když jsme na počátku roku 2015 založili svůj dobročinný fond LOGIT, oslovili jsme organizace, které nás o finanční podporu žádaly v minulých letech. Z dvanácti oslovených organizací využila možnosti získat prostředky přibližně polovina. V druhé polovině roku dostaly možnost získat finanční prostředky z Fondu LOGIT již všechny neziskové organizace z Podbořanska a okolí v případě, že se jejich aktivit účastní zaměstnanci společnosti. Zájem byl obrovský. Ústecká komunitní nadace, která fond spravuje, obdržela celkem 16 žádosti o nadační příspěvek v celkové požadované výši 286 000 Kč. Podpořených bylo nakonec šest projektů v celkové výši 110 000 Kč.
“Spolek OKAP získal prostředky na vybudování nové veřejné zahrady situované v blízkosti kostela Božího Spasitele v Podbořanech, zahradu pro ekologickou výchovu na území bývalé školní zahrady v Nepomyšli vybuduje Mateřské centrum Jablíčko z Nepomyšle. Vypomohli jsme i Základní škole Kryry se zakoupením zabezpečovacího zařízení soužící k bezpečnosti žáků ve školní družině, " prozradil Martin Chlup, ředitel společnosti LOGIT s.r.o.
Finanční prostředky se dostaly i na uskutečnění charitativního hudebně-divadelního festivalu na podporu oprav gotického kostela v Libyni, který již řadu let pořádá sdružení Za záchranu kostela sv. Jiljí. Výchovný ústav v Buškovicích si bude moct díky příspěvku z Fondu LOGIT dovybavit nové multifunkční hřiště. Mateřské centrum Jonáš rozjede pásma dramatické výchovy pro děti předškolního a mladšího školního věku.
Neziskové organizace měly možnost získat prostředky až do výše 20.000 korun. „Žádosti posuzovala tříčlenná komise složená jak ze zástupců společnosti LOGIT, tak z externích odborníků. Vybraným neziskovým organizacím byly dnes předány symbolické šeky a byly podepsány smlouvy o poskytnutí nadačního příspěvku. Prostředky budou organizacím zaslány tak, aby je již od 1. února 2016 mohly čerpat," uvedla Kateřina Valešová z Ústecké komunitní nadace.
  • 24.9.2015 [Hlubany] Volnočasové aktivity dětí, obnova místních kulturních tradic či pořádání nekomerčních kulturních akcí,péče o drobné kulturní památky a další. To vše chceme v mikroregionu Podbořansko podpořit jako jeden z nejvýznamnějších zaměstnavatelů v regionu. Podporovány budou ale i projekty, jejichž aktivit se účastní či je využívají naši zaměstnanci nebo rodinní příslušníci. Neziskové organizace včetně škol a školek mají možnost si do 8. října 2015 požádat až o 20 000 korun na svůj záměr. Z Fondu LOGIT bude na tyto dobročinné účely rozděleno min. 100 000 korun. Správu a administraci fondu svěřila firma prestižní Ústecké komunitní nadaci, která má v této oblasti již více než 20 let zkušenosti.
“V polovině června tohoto roku jsme předávali šeky prvním podpořeným neziskovým organizacím, které obdržely finanční prostředky z našeho nově založeného dobročinného Fondu LOGIT.  Do výběrového řízení se tehdy mohly zapojit pouze organizace, které se o finanční podporu ucházely v minulých letech. Nyní jsme výběrové řízení otevřeli všem zájemcům, kteří hledají prostředky na své projekty, které ale prokazatelně přispívají k tomu, aby se lidem na Podbořansku žilo lépe. Chceme tak dát příležitost všem aktivním lidem na Podbořansku.” uvedl Martin Chlup, ředitel společnosti LOGIT s.r.o. 
Fondu Logit 24/09/2015
  • 24.9.2015 [Mašťov] Dnes proběhlo slavnostní předání vozu Dacia Dokker dětskému domovu v Mašťově v rámci projektu “Auto pomáhá”.
Naše společnost je již druhým rokem hlavním partnerem tohoto projektu na Podbořansku. Jsem moc rád, že se nám po velkém úspěchu v loňském roce, kdy podobný vůz dostal Dům s pečovatelskou službou v Podbořanech, podařilo letos udělat radost dětem z dětského domova.
  • Fondu Logit 12/06/201512.6.2015 [Hlubany] Na nové náčiní na gymnastickou a pohybovou průpravu se mohou těšit děti z tanečního oboru Základní umělecké školy Podbořany, na bylinkovou zahrádku zase děti ze Základní školy Kryry. Nové sportovní soupravy dostanou malí fotbalisté z Blšan. Dostalo se i na pomoc tělesně postiženým z místní organizace Podbořany či dětem ze Střediska výchovné péče Čtyřlístek. Všech pět projektů v celkové výši 95 000 Kč jsme podpořili z nově založeného dobročinného fondu Logit.
“Na naši společnost se každoročně obrací dvě desítky neziskových organizací, místních spolků a škol s žádostmi o finanční podporu. Žádosti přicházejí v průběhu celého roku, emailem či poštou a stejně tak i objem žádaných prostředků je různý od pár tisíc korun po desítky tisíc. Proto jsme se rozhodli dát našim dobročinným aktivitám určitá pravidla a řád a založit dobročinný Fond LOGIT.  Nyní máme za sebou první ročník v tomto novém režimu a předpokládáme, že v podobném duchu budeme pokračovat i v příštím roce.” uvedl Martin Chlup, ředitel společnosti LOGIT s.r.o.
V letošním roce společnost oslovila organizace, které o finanční podporu žádaly v minulých letech. Z dvanácti oslovených organizací využila možnosti nově získat prostředky až do výše 20.000 korun z nově založeného Fondu LOGIT přibližně polovina. „Žádosti posuzovala tříčlenná komise složená jak ze zástupců společnosti LOGIT, tak z externích odborníků. Vybraným neziskovým organizacím byly dnes předány symbolické šeky a byly podepsány smlouvy o poskytnutí nadačního příspěvku. Prostředky budou organizacím zaslány tak, aby je již od 1. července 2015 mohly čerpat," uvedla Kateřina Valešová z Ústecké komunitní nadace, která fond spravuje.
  • Fondu Logit 7/08/20147.8.2014 [Podborany]  Slavnostní předávání vozu Renault Kangoo Domu s pečovatelskou službou v Podbořanech v rámci projektu “Auto pomáhá”
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Privacy policy
EU Regulation 2016/679
On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter GDPR or the Regulation) came into effect. 
The processing of personal data collected by this site and the use of cookies are governed by the privacy laws and regulations in force, for the purpose of implementing the technical and organizational measures adopted by the data controller for the protection of the rights and the liberties of the data subject.
For more information on the types of personal data processed, the procedures and purposes of the processing and how the data subject can exercise his/her rights spelled out in the GDPR, we invite users to read the relevant Privacy Information Notice posted on this site.
For information on the use of cookies, we invite users to view the Extended Cookie Information Notice posted on this site (Cookie Policy), which is provided pursuant to and for the purposes of the provisions of the Italian Data Protection Authority Decision “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies - 8 May 2014”.
  • Processing:  any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction and erasure or destruction.
  • Data controller: the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.
  • Personal data:  any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data or an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
  • Consent of the data subject:  any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of his/her personal data.
  • Recipient: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member State law shall not be regarded as recipients; the processing of that data by those public authorities shall be in compliance with the applicable data protection rules according to the purposes of the processing.
  • Third party: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process personal data.
  • Profiling: any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person's performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements.
  • Cookies: small text files that are sent to and stored on the user’s terminal equipment by the websites visited by the user. They are sent back to the originating websites on each subsequent visit by the user. 
  • Technical cookies: these cookies can be grouped into navigation and session cookies. They allow the user to navigate and use the functionalities of the website (for instance, make an online purchase or authenticate himself/herself to gain access to a reserved area). They are used for navigation purposes and for the provision of the services requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes and are usually directly installed by the website’s data controller. Without the use of this type of cookies, certain operations would either be impossible to perform or would be more complicated and/or less safe (for example, they allow and make possible session-based user authentication).
  • Analytics cookies: these cookies are tools providing website analytical services that anonymously and in aggregate report on the way users use the website, how web traffic arrives to the site, and the number of visits and their duration. These cookies are not necessary for optimal use of the website and thus can be disabled. The Italian Data Protection Authority has established (see Decision of 8 May 2014) that analytics cookies can be equated to technical cookies insofar as they are used directly by the website controller to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the website. Under these conditions, the same rules apply to the analytics cookies and the technical cookies as far as notice to the user and user consent are concerned.
  • Third party cookies: cookies installed by a website other than the one the user is visiting. This happens because the visited website may contain items, such as images, maps, audio files and links to individual web pages on different domains, that are located on servers other than the one where the visited site is hosted.
  • Profiling cookies: these are cookies used to track the net navigation pattern of the user and create user profiles on user tastes, habits, choices, etc. These cookies can be used to send advertising messages in line with the user’s online navigation preferences.
Data Controller
The data controller is Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A., having its legal office at Via Verdi, 11 - 24121 Bergamo – Taxpayer and VAT number 00644560161.
Data processed
  • Registration data
Personal data collected: User name, Email address.
These data are collected at the moment of user registration on the website and can be processed for the following purposes: 
a) to allow the user to access the website, for purposes strictly connected to the provision of online services, and, in particular, respond to the user’s request for information material, price quotes or sales proposals.
b) with the user’s consent, to effectively establish and manage business relationships, with particular reference to business promotion, advertising, enticement to purchase, market research, surveys, and statistical and marketing analysis.
The purposes defined in point b) can also be achieved using cookies, but always with the user’s consent.
  • Job Applications
Personal data collected: Name, Surname. Address, Country, Email address, Academic degree. The user applies by filling out an application form and providing his/her personal data directly on the site.  The data collected for the application will be stored for a period of two years and then deleted.
  • Newsletter 
Personal data collected: User name, Email address.
When a user registers to receive the newsletter, his/her name is added to a list of contacts, to whom the site will send email messages with information related to this website, including business and promotional information. The email address can also be added to this list of contacts as a result of the user’s registering or making a purchase on this website. 
  • Sponsorship
Personal data collected: Name, Surname, Email address, Position 
The user registers by filling out a sponsorship request and providing his/her personal data directly to the site.
  • Radici Connect (Sales Net and Worldwide)
Personal data collected: Sender, Email address 
The user contacts the Group and provides his/her personal data directly on the site.
If the data provided by the user includes data concerning third parties, the user vouches to the controller that the consent of the interested third parties has been obtained for the collection and the processing of their data.  
The mere consultation of the website itself does not entail the collection or the processing of user personal data, except for navigation data and cookies, whose relevance for privacy will be discussed in the following sections of this privacy policy.
  • Navigation data
During normal operation, the computer systems and software procedures controlling the functioning of the website acquire some data that are transmitted as an intrinsic part of the internet communication protocols. This kind of information is not acquired for purposes directly linked to identifiable data subjects but could, by virtue of its very nature, be processed and aggregated with the data held by third parties, in such a way as to make user identification possible. Such data include: IP addresses, domain names of user computers connected to the site, the URI addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response to the request, the numeric code indicating the status of the server’s response (success, error, etc.) and other parameters pertaining to the operating system and the computer environment of the user.
This data will not be disseminated but used solely for the purpose of accumulating anonymous statistics regarding site usage and for monitoring correct site operation; it is retained for the time period established by the applicable laws and regulations. This notwithstanding, the data could be used to investigate and determine responsibility in the event of cybercrimes against the site. 
  • Cookies
This site uses cookies (Cookie Policy).
Purposes of processing
Personal data will be processed for the purposes identified in the cookie information notice.
Cookies can be used for authentication services, monitoring of browsing sessions, storage of information, storage of specific information (preferences) on user configurations when accessing a given server, etc (Cookie Policy)
A cookie cannot read data off the user’s hard disk, carry viruses or collect email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user’s browser.
Processing procedures
Data processing will be carried out by means of tools and procedures which are adequate to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data, in compliance with the law, and will be performed both online and offline.
Specific security measures are followed in order to prevent the loss of data and any unlawful or improper use and unauthorized access.
At the time of registration, the user will be invited to read the information notice provided pursuant Article 13 of the Regulation and to confirm his/her consent to the processing of the data for the intended purposes described. Consent will be necessary for the sending of promotional and/or informational material concerning Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. activities and services. However, failure to give consent will not prevent the user from using the services connected with registration.
The need for user consent to the use of cookies depends on the purposes for which the cookies are used:
  • Technical cookies do not require the user’s consent, but the site must provide the user with the Extended Cookie Information Notice pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation (Cookie Policy).
  • Profiling and marketing cookies, on the other hand, may be installed on the user’s terminal equipment only if the user gives his/her explicit consent.
When a user visits this website, a cookie consent banner is displayed inviting him/her to click on the link to the Extended Cookie Information Notice, where he/she can change previously given consent for the use of cookies and choose which cookies to give consent to. The user is also informed that if he/she decides to continue to navigate by scrolling the homepage or by clicking any element on the page, he/she gives consent to the use of such cookies by this website.
Withdrawal of consent
The user will have the right to withdraw any previously given consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to the withdrawal. To revoke consent or request further clarification, send an email to privacy@radicigroup.com.
Managing cookies in a browser
The user can, at any time, deny the use of cookies and revoke a previously given consent. Since cookies are linked to the browser, they can be directly disabled in the browser itself. 
Disabling cookies could prevent the proper working of some of the functionalities provided by the site. In particular, disabling cookies may make it impossible to access certain services provided by third parties or even to display them on the user’s terminal equipment.   

Here are the instructions on how to disable cookies:
  • Internet Explorer: Select the Tools button / Select Internet options / Select the Privacy Tab / Under Settings select Advanced / Choose the desired level of privacy.
  • Google Chrome: At the top right, click More > Settings / At the bottom, click Advanced / Under “Privacy and security”, click Content settings / Turn “Allow sites to save and read cookie data” to OFF
  • Firefox: Click the menu button and choose Options (Preferences on the Mac) / Select the Privacy (Privacy & Security on the Mac) panel / Under History, choose Use custom settings for history / To deactivate cookies, uncheckmark Accept cookies from sites
  • Safari: Choose Safari > Preferences / Click the Privacy panel / Select Block all cookies and choose one of the options: “Always allow”, “Allow from websites I visit”, ”Allow from current website only”, or “Always block”.
If the user blocks or deletes the cookies, it may become impossible to restore his/her preferences or settings.
Scope of data disclosure
The personal data provided by users will be processed by Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. or by entities appointed by the company as data processors or persons in charge of processing. The data may be disclosed to third parties responsible for providing services related to website activities and tied to the performance of the contractual obligations undertaken in carrying out such activities. Said third parties will also be responsible for storing and processing the personal data needed for the execution of the services assigned to each one of them. More specifically, the third parties in question may be suppliers of technological and networking services, suppliers of logistics services or managers of payment systems and services.
Data retention period
The personal data will be retained only for the time needed to achieve the intended purposes based on the type of processing. Then, the data will be deleted.
The personal data collected from an application form sent to the site will be retained only for two years, after which they will be deleted.
Cookie duration
Cookies can be: 
  • Temporary or session cookies: these cookies are used to store temporary information. They allow linking the actions performed during a browser session. They remain active until the browser is closed or until logout. 
  • Persistent cookies: these are used to store information, such as name and password, so as to avoid the need for the user to input it each time he/she visits a specific site. These cookies are saved on the user’s device and “survive” the closing of the browser. They will become available on any subsequent user visit. The duration of persistent cookies is established by the server at the time they are created. In some cases, an expiry date is set, while in other cases the cookie duration is unlimited.
Rights of the data subject
Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 15-22 of the GDPR, the data subject has, at any time, the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed and, if that is the case, to obtain access to the personal data; to request information on the purposes of processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients to whom personal data will be disclosed and the period of retention of the data; to ask for rectification and erasure, restriction on processing and data portability, as well as the right to object. 
Specifically, the data subject will have the following rights:
  • Right of access and right to rectification (GDPR, Articles 15 and 16): the right to obtain from the Controller confirmation as to whether or not his/her personal data is being processed, and, where that is the case, to access the personal data; the right to rectification of inaccurate personal data; and the right to have incomplete personal data completed. 
  • Right to erasure (GDPR, Article 17): the right to obtain from the Controller the erasure of his/her personal data in the cases established by the law and the regulations in force (e.g., the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, the data subject withdraws consent, the personal data has been unlawfully processed, etc.). 
  • Right to restriction of processing (GDPR, Article 18): the right to obtain from the controller a restriction on the processing of personal data in the cases established by the law and regulations in force (the personal data is not accurate, the processing of the personal data is unlawful, etc.).
  • Right to data portability (GDPR, Article 20): the right to receive his/her personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transmit the data to another Controller. 
  • Right to object (GDPR, Article 21): the right to object, at any time, to the processing of his/her personal data which is based on points (e) and (f) of Article 6(1) of the Regulations, including profiling.  
The data subject may exercise his/her rights referred to above by written notice addressed to 
Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A., having its registered office at Via Verdi, 11 - 24121 Bergamo or to the email address: privacy@radicigroup.com.
Filing a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority
In case of infringement of the data subject’s right to protection of personal data, the data subject may lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority in accordance with the procedures and requirements posted on the site of the Italian Data Protection Authority (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/).
Third-party cookies
While visiting a site, the user may receive cookies from both the site he/she is currently visiting and other sites managed by other organizations, called “third parties”.
The managers and editors of this site are not responsible for the content of third-party sites, either directly or indirectly connected through links.
Given below is a list of the third-party cookies: 
Google+: +1 button and social widgets
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CORDONSED ARGENTINA S.A. Av. Luis M. Campos 1061 Piso 3° A C1426BOI CABA Argentina 
CORDONSED ARGENTINA S.A. Islas Malvinas 2961 V9420AJJ Rio Grande - Tierra del Fuego Argentina
RadiciFibras Ltda Brazil, Sao José dos Campos (SP) BR - 12211-180 - Rua Pedro Rachid, 846
Radici Plastics Ltda Brazil, Araçariguama - Sao Paulo BR - 18147-970 - Rua Giuseppe Marchiori, 497
Radici Chem (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China, Shanghai CN - 200235 - Room 1322, YunSun Tower, No. 2025 East Zhongshan
Radici Plastics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. China, Suzhou Jiangsu Province - No. 49 Ping Sheng Road, SIP - CN 215126
Radici Plastics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. China, Shanghai CN - 200040 - PR China - Shanghai office: Suite 319, Apollo Building, 1440 Yan An Road (M), Jing’an District
Logit Sro Czech, Republic Podborany CZ - 44101 - Hlubany, 119
Radici Plastics France SA France, St. Priest F - 69800 - 65, Rue du Dauphiné
Radici Chemiefaser GmbH Germany, Selbitz D - 95152 - Hofer Straße 23
Radici Chemiefaser GmbH Germany, Vertriebsbuero Tamm D - 71732 - Hauptstrasse, 74
Radici Chimica Deutschland GmbH Germany, Troglitz D - 06729 - Dr. Bergius Strasse, 6
Radici Plastics GmbH Germany, Hamburg D - 20095 - Glockengiesserwall 2
Radici Plastics GmbH Germany, Lüneburg D - 21337 - Elso-Klöver-Strasse,10
Lurotex KFT Hungary Hunyadi Janos H - 33-9971 - P.F. 41 Szentgotthard
Radici Plastics India Pvt. Ltd. India New Delhi IN – 110015 - DSM-501, DLF Tower, Shivaji Marg
Noyfil SpA Italy, Andalo Valtellino (SO) Via Orobie, 4 - IT – 23014
Noyfil SpA Italy, Chignolo d’Isola (BG) IT - 24040 - Via Verdi, 1
Radici Chimica SpA Italy, Novara IT - 28100 - Via G. Fauser, 50
Radici Fil SpA Italy, Casnigo (BG) IT - 24020 - Via Europa, 41
Radici Novacips SpA Italy, Chignolo d’Isola (BG) IT - 24040 - Località Bedeschi, 20
Radici Novacips SpA Italy, Villa d’Ogna (BG) IT - 24020 - Via Provinciale, 1331
Tessiture Pietro Radici SpA Italy, Gandino (BG) - IT - 24020 - Via Ugo Foscolo, 152
Radici Yarn SpA Italy, Villa d’Ogna (BG) - IT - 24020 - Via Provinciale, 1125
Radici Yarn SpA Italy, Ardesio (BG) - IT - 24020 - Via Casa More, 12
Radici Plastics Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. Mexico, Ocotlán Jalisco MX - Av. Francisco Zarco 2688 C.P. 47810 - Col. Loma Bonita
S.C. Yarnea S.R.L. Romania, Savinesti (NT) RO - 617410 - 5, Gheorghe Caranfil street
Radici Plastics Iberica SL Spain, Barcelona ES - 08029 - Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 130 5º1ª
Noyfil SA Switzerland, Stabio CH - 6855 - Via Gaggiolo, 31
Radici Plastics B.V The Netherlands, Born Verloren Van Themaatweg 9 - NL - 6121RG
Radici Plastics UK Ltd. United Kingdom, London UK - NW3 1 PR - High Hill House, 6a Hampstead High Street
Radici Plastics USA Inc. USA, Wadsworth OH - 960 Seville Road - 44281/0179
Radici Partecipazioni SpA Via Ugo Foscolo, 152 IT - 24024 Gandino (BG)
Radici Partecipazioni SpA Via Ca’ Antonelli, 55 IT - 24024 Gandino (BG)
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